"Who's that?"

"mummy who's that?" one of the commonest questions I bombarded my poor mother whilst growing up. I had been an inquisitive gal more like a gossip... Hush, asking questions about people shouldn't be considered as gossip. I was Interested in stories of the people around me, most time to further boost the imaginative storyline I had for my daydreaming characters.  
Each time I ask this question I brace myself because I know what usually follows is not a oneliner or title that the person held but rather stories of circumstances surrounding how they met, the individuals family and friends and if possible their pets and it's generation. 
Unfortunately for my dear mother and fortunately for me, she was although not the most popular in the area but let's just say we take a lot of rest stops consisting of short chit chat with numerous acquaintances leading to a lot of stories for me. 
This afternoon I ran into an old acquaintance in church and while we exchange pleasantries and smiles my eyes darted to the two girls standing closely behind her aged about 15 &13 smiling sheepishly, with the resemblance I need not ask if they were hers. 
We ended our greeting and she proceeded to continue her journey. I took another look at her as she passes by, at that same moment I caught the eldest moving closer to her mother as her lips mouthed the words "mummy, who's that?"  and I can only imagine the kind of story that was allotted to me. 


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