The Encounter

Today had been a very stressful day. I was pissed, hungry and tired all at once. As  I made my way through the busy Lagos road with the merciless and scorching heat that only help fuel my already over the top emotions, I had an encounter which i have to confess was the highlight of my day.

 A female passerby coming towards me and going the opposite direction with male counterpart, looked me straight in the eye and said to me frankly without breaking her step,"I like your stature" and then continued on her way. For that split second I was confused on how to react,

after all this is Lagos,
but I managed to give her a smile and a half hearted "thank you", and for the rest of the day, I was not the same again.

...but as an over thinker and over-analyzer, which I am proudly...thank you,thank you hold the applauds...(no, continue ...keep them coming) it was all I could think of for the rest of the day. I thought about it from different views and perspective, plus weighing in my forever struggle with body image, I had even set up a debate team with panel of judges in my head supporting and opposing the motion that was made.

Despite all these, those words still brought a smile to my face each moment I think about them.

...and no,the fact that my encounter with her was just outside the psychiatric hospital with the possibility of her recently exiting said hospital is absolutely of no

Yeah, screw your sanity...pardon my French.

So I can say with these few point of mine, I hope I have been able to convince you and not confuse you that a kind word from a stranger could be very helpful in making a bad day a better one.

Thank you

...again, applause...


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