Lets Talk LOVE

Okay! lets talk about love. I know I am the wrongest person to try to give relationship advice or any form of advice for that matter. In fact, If I was asked if I have ever been in love I cant confidently answer in the affirmative this can be partly blamed on my hyperactive, over-analyzing brain, the other part can be blamed on my anxiety.

SO, what is love?…I may not know know what love really means but I know what love isn’t...
Love does not mean the feeling of butterflies in your stomach…that is just show some sort of gastrointestinal problem and you should try to check that out.
Love doesn't mean your heart skipping a beat when you see somebody….that can only mean an arrhythmia and I suggest you should go and see a cardiologist soon.
Love is not being a cockroach in anyone’s cupboard…child he just called you a pest and you are happy about that?
Love is not just the feeling of fondness you have for someone…you see, our emotions can be quite tricky you can develop fondness for anyone or anything that shows the slightest bit of attention towards you, and just because they are paying you some kind of attention doesn't mean love is surely involved
True, a lot of us has gone through some nasty relationships heck ,some are presently in some sham of a relationship because they don’t want to be alone that I can state for a fact is not love or in any way a form of love
Love doesn’t strip you of your identity or who yo are just to satisfy the other person…While I understand that for two pp to be in love three would be some compromising but I still strongly believe that your true love would accept you for all your positive and negative attitudes , you then begin to build each other up for the better.
There are a lot of relationship experts and coaches with their rules, tricks and formulas, but this simple motto I live by, which I advice you should too.
There is definitely someone out there who is just as dorky or weird as you are and is praying to be with someone just like you.
You might have to wait a lot longer if not forever…but to settle for less in order to live an unhappy miserable life would just be plain tragic.


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