
Would you live in a lonely cabin the woods with no electricity, no internet or any other form of civilization for 30 Days for One Million Dollars?
If you had asked me this question prior to this moment, I would have given you an answer (which would have been a big and emphatic YES!) in a split question without missing a beat. 

However, as at the point I am typing this, I have been out of internet connection for 2 hours 12 minutes 28 seconds, and it has been nothing but a very trying time.
I was introduced to the internet at an early age (ish), and ever since then any situation that caused me to be cut-off from the internet always had me by the “insides” and had caused me emotional pain. Now don’t get things confused, I’m not one of those new generation people that spends like 23 hours of their day staring at their phone, or iPad, or laptop, or any other gadget or falling into ditches, pools or stumbling into other people while texting (although had stumbled to someone once or few times more, but in my defence it was late in the night).
On the contrary I am not, I spend as much time with my gadget as the next guy, assuming the next guy is a person who spends a moderate amount of time with his gadgets. In fact, I had openly expressed my distaste of this habit to any of my friends who are emotionally and mentally glued to their phone.
Then how is it that I feel this unsettling, nerve racking emotion each time I’m cut-off?
I seem to have narrowed it down to one thing...

INFORMATION! and the feeling of being in touch with the world out there, even when I’m snuggling in my bed avoiding human contact (ok, two things).
Even though the sound of the Whatsapp group chats notification and Instagram new post notifications makes me groan in irritation and frustration, but I had the assurance that whatever new thing that popped up, I would have first, or second, at worst third hand information about what is going on presently.
It’s the same way I had always felt while I was growing up (not that I have stopped growing, especially being a 5ft 1ish inches) each day I had to miss school. The feeling that my friends at school were having more fun being together, laughing and playing just ruins the rebellious victorious streak missing or skipping classes is supposed to have (yes, that is the secret to my near perfect school attendance score) and my mum used to say it’s better to go school even if nothing happens than to miss school  and you are left imagining all the first class fun your friends are having without you (huh, I guess I just figured out the origin of this emotion).

So, what do I do now with this new found “extra time”?

It’s been 2 hours 36 minutes 52 seconds since my internet was cut-off, and I’m starting to feel dizzy…


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