Better thought than done

DISCLAIMER:If you are one of those who have never had to struggle with their self will and battle hard with the last thread of determination then you are advised not to read this write-up, once again do not proceed beyond this've been warned!!!

We are all used to the saying, 'It is better said than done'...which summarily means words are cheap and what makes them worthwhile is the action that backs up the words.

I totally agree with this statement but to me more honest to myself, in my case its more of a 'It is better thought than done' adage. Let me try to clarify myself. A lot of times I make a mental checklist of things to do but one thing always leads to another something comes up that disorganizes this checklist and makes every effort and struggle to bring things back to its place a fruitless effort. For instance, this write up should have been penned down and put up weeks ago but as always other things came up that diminished my will and determination to write.

The moment I get a new Idea, I get launched head first into the first stage of excitement and enthusiasm , at that point, my will and determination is off the roof and my vibrancy cannot be measured, then after a few moment I move into the second stage which involves meticulous and careful planning for the execution of the idea. It is in this second stage things get a lot more complicated because it is then that my subconscious is fully awake and starts to bring up little and quite important things that always send the well laid plans to blazes. Important things like: the season finale of How to get away with murder or finding out how Bernadette eventually announced her pregnancy or finding out if Caroline really makes it in Hollywood or if Max's new relationship is the real deal or a couple of episodes of friends (better still all ten seasons) or that awesome mouth-watering recipe I need to try out or tumblr or the endless depth, space and content of the Internet, ...all in all they are all quite important at that particular time.

lf having read my list of so called important things that stop me from doing real important things, and you are still not convinced that these are viable reasons and think that there should be much more important things than these...well, you will be right but lets blame the little things for now.


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