Dear me,

If i had the opportunity of speaking to a younger version of myself (let's say 10 years younger) the following are what i am going to say:

                                                                                                              The Future you,
                                                                                                              Planet Earth.

2006 me,
Planet Earth,

Dear me,
       How are you?, hope you are good? (yes of course i know how you are but i don't know what other way to start a conversation). How is the weather?.... ok, enough frivolities, let me get down to business.

The whole of humanity has gone crazy and i mean absurdly crazy and you are the only one to save the human race. If there is anything i know about you (i think it's safe to say i do know you since i am you), i know you will dismiss the earlier statement as one of those weird imaginations and you will be good to dismiss it. Yeah, humanity has gone crazy but there is nothing anybody can do about it, but we blame all of man distress on a man called "Changing Times", he seems to be taking it well but it does not make things any better.
The following are some instructions that i need you to properly digest and implement in order to make life a lot better for us (it's a win-win situation):
- read harder than you have been reading.
- Don't take crap from anybody because they are as messed up as you are if not more.
- pick up something new; i know it's going to be a little hard but funny enough, l or we turned to be a little restless(i'm writing you a letter from the future where there is keypad-less mobile phones, Internet, and hypothetical hover boards, i think you should interpret that as A LOT RESTLESS!) so it will be a lot better if that restlessness is matched with a lot of activities.
- don't let other peoples' opinion affect, they do not matter.
- Don't bother about your body, you will grow to love it.
- cherish and nurture your natural hair, make it grow. Natural hair is the trend now, so DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT LET THE INCIDENCE OF DECEMBER '08 HAPPEN!
- i know you are already in the habit of saving, i'll encourage you to continue and does not have to only be money, save phone numbers, save text messages that could be used as possible defense or attack strategy, save that second round of food for next time.
- boy-girl love does not exist, at least not for the next ten years.
- talk less; you will only understand this ten years from now.
- be careful of people, you will understand later.
- mum is always right.
I would have loved to have time travelled and tell you these things and more in person but the experiments are not yet finalized. I would like to conclude this letter by saying "i love you".
One final instruction; disregard all the earlier instructions, you don't need them, you will be just fine.

Yours sincerely,
The future you.


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