My Idle Life

The idle hand is the devil's workshop, in the past few months i have come to the realization of the reality of this statement...not that i have been up to anything bad (Well trust me not solely because i know any better, but when you think of the aftermath, your decision makes itself for you), but when you spend all your time repeating the cycle of sleeping, wake-up, eating and staring blankly into space.
In the first few weeks, it felt like paradise not having to rush to early morning wardrounds, it was really nice not having to be a medical student, it was nice having a break from the hustle of school and getting a degree, but sooner than later the "paradise-like feeling" began to wear off, it then became a normal routine to sleep, wake-up, eat, stare blankly into space, do some things in between (e.g, house chores) and then go back to sleep.
After the first month of this repetitive cycle, the normal routine dwindled to a boring frustrating cycle. So instead of dying of boredom i decided to help myself, i took up almost everything and anything, from sowing to carpentry to cobbling, the list goes on and on.
So in the past three months i have become a seamstress, a businesswoman, a cobbler, an interior decorator (i "feng shui-ed" my room at least 4 times in the past one month), a chef (delicious delicacies that my gastrointestinal system and my family can attest to), a designer, a movie critic (well i'll admit i have always been a movie critic, but i'll say that now i have a lot of time to watch movies and critic them. Although, now i have moved on to series) and a grandma (that's from all the knitting that i have been doing). I even have enough time to comment on BBM channels, instagram pages, facebook status and other blogs.
As at today i have had enough of this plenty of time on my hands... know what?!, i'll just blurt it out...I NEED A JOB!....please....


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