Keep Calm and...

"Everybody has a right to at least five minutes of madness", everybody except her. she had always believed that she is an epitome of cool, calm and collected. She had channeled all of her energy into controlling her emotions in all situation. Her lack of strong emotions had resulted in her colleague often referring to her as emotionally cold, but she had worked too hard for her to be concerned about the label others had decided to tag her with.
Day after day she encounters different people most of whom are interested in destroying her life long effort in maintaining her cool, and each time she comes across such people she combats the atmosphere of rage with her ultimate weapon, and like sun dispersing dark clouds, all the anger and rage deflates in the matter of seconds. Its amazing how long a calm, soothing voice and an assuring touch can go.
Today was not going to be different, it was not supposed to be different. Laura stood quietly in her Doctor's coat as she watched the tall, slim middle-aged man in front of her bark angry words and shoot her with innumerable spit bombs. She watched him throw his hands around in violent gestures, stumping hard as if the answer to his problem was buried underneath his right foot.
She waited quietly and patiently for her cue to swoop in and unleash the ultimate weapon. In the meantime, she engaged herself by taking interest in counting the amount of engorged veins she can visibly see. There was a pause, she decided to take that as her golden opportunity, and slowly she released the ultimate weapon.
At that moment she felt his trapezius muscle tense further more, it was then she knew it had gone wrong. The flame in his eyes increased, and in an instant he went into another episode of rage, spitting out bitter and angry words against her and her work. was then she snapped ...


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