I made a boo-boo

I made a boo-boo.
In simple statement, I committed a serious crime, I tried shrugging it off dismissing the thought of any consequence of my action, but my conscience keeps nudging and judging me. It’s been almost a week but still my mind is not at peace.
Ok, let me break it down to you. I was “jeje-ly” (gently) on my own way to my destination. I innocently boarded a public transit heading to the said destination; the ride was going smoothly until when our transit hit a road bump. i was flung forward head first and before I knew what was going on, my face landed on the back of the man sitting right in front of me. I lifted my face and all I could see was the print of my purple lipstick on the back of his shirt.
Immediately my breathe was seized, I was speechless. My heart was pounding and i started pondering on what my next line of action. I raised my hand in an attempt to try to wipe it off then I realize how much of a bigger mess it would make and how awkward it would turn out to be.
I then resorted to the only alternative I could come up with, which is to keep my mouth shut and pretend as though nothing happened, as I watch him getting down and going his own way oblivious of the little dynamite that I accidentally planted on his shirt. It seemed like the easier path to take but right now I can’t stop thinking about the incident. I guess the only thing I can do is to hope and pray that someone somehow informed him of the stain and that he was able to get it out OR that his wife or fiancĂ©e or girlfriend trust him enough to believe that the bright purple lipstick stain on his shirt was an accident.
I just can’t stand the thought of me being a home wrecker.


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