Going out?


There is something wrong with the universe, and by this statement I mean there is something wrong with me. Let me expatiate on this matter.
You see, I am what you can call an hopeless indecisive fellow; though not on huge and critical issues such as life goals and sorts, in which case i can boldly say i am a little more hopeful; the label of hopelessness comes from rather trivia matters, most especially the matter of going out.
Most times I think of myself as a couch potato, in other words the luxury life to me is me stretched out on a comfy furniture, snacks and drinks close by with a endless list of the finest motion pictures...yeah, that's the good life. What bothers me is that often times when am having my bit of the good life, something always come up that usually end in me saying to myself, "i should go out more often" and therein lies the problem.
The headache starts from the first step, which is planning of the outing: where to go, who to go with, what dress to where, what is the backup dress in case something happens to the main dress.
Then I move on to step two which is maintaining the level of the fun, making sure not to go overboard or way to down on the fun. After a long hard day of cranking up and stepping down the fun level, I move on to step three in which I turn back to my comfy furniture for love and support and possibly healing power for my severe body aches as I once again stretch out on my couch thinking to myself, "never, never again will I go out" even though it is a well known fact that the life span of my new pledge is only but few weeks.


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