
There are a handful of interesting individuals in my life, some crack me up each and every time while others leave me in a state of awe and disbelief. of all the acquitances i have made the far most interesting is that i have developed with a some what tenant i have in my room. It was there the moment i moved into the room and has refused to move base since then...its a wall gecko.
Well before you go all..."ewwww, that's disgusting"... try to understand my point of view.  i never would have imagined myself putting together an article for a wall gecko roommate. As i have informed you earlier, it was there the moment i moved into the room, i barely slept that night, i was on edge, anxious and desperately waiting for sunrise so as to make a quick dash to the store and get some pesticides.
Despite the edginess, anxiety and desperation, one thing led to another which further led to other things that resulted to me not buying the proposed pesticide. Another night, another sequence of edginess, anxiety and desperation, but this time not as bad as the first, and so began my journey of acceptance. I figured that since i am going to be sleeping alone it would be nice to have another living creature in the room, so i rested my mind from thoughts of killing it and as ridiculous as it may sound, it felt like we had a mutual agreement of staring clear each other's path...just like real roommates. Nights have never been sweeter since then.
Recently, i came to the realization that there were more wall geckos than usual and also that the new additions were a lot small than the originals...yep, my rommie has began raising a family...and just like real roommates, my "room mate" is in a relationship and I am not... sigh...


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