Intruder Alert

She grunted and mumbled as she tried to fit her tiny form through the tiny hole and the only question that lingered was,"what had been the reason for this stressing and tasking sorjourn" she did not need to think for too long because the answer seems to be as obvious as the dark night that it is.
Things had not always been like this, she remembered when everything was just fine, though food was not in full abundance, things were just fine, and when her mother didn't need to go through this much stress in order to bring her into existence and neither did her mother before that, how it became this much of a struggle when is was her turn to procreate, is the anger inducing factor.
She had tried to direct her anger into various path, first the path that considers her gender as the anger factor, because her male counterpart seem to be on a high cruise while she sought for a reproductive medium, she went along this path for a short time only to realise that it is nothing but a dead end. Next she directed her anger against her host , the humans that she needs to feed on, well this path seems promising, because she has all of their intelligence, civilisation, prevention and control methods to blame.
As she finally pulled her body through the tiny hole, a rush of joy fills her. She then proceeded to glide around space, spotting the host, she navigates through imaginary maps to locate the most suitable spot to take her sample, on finding the spot she swoops in with the energy and agility of a professional,she took a blood sample, pulls out and proceed to leave with the same alacrity she had swooped in.
Mission accomplished, she makes her way back to the net to make a sweet escape, but before the escape could have been considered sweet, "wham!!!" Two giant human palms collided, with her in between, with a tiny splash of blood.


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