Future Ambition

The most common question that was asked during the primary and secondary school days,..."what would you like to be when you grow up?", and like a preconditioned answer, a number of us were swift to give the chorus and cheerful answer,..."A DOCTOR!!!"  which seem to be loud and vibrant enough to shake the foundation  of the building as if to leave a "i-was-here" mark.
Fastforward to about ten years later with my MB;BS in view, with a full blindfolded navigation of the corridors of the teaching hospital as a result of neurological imprints from numerous ward rounds and brisk walks to classes.
After a long and tiring day as I creep back to my hostel wondering what sought of life this is, the same question pops up again in my head, this time mockingly, I couldn't help but to wonder and amuse myself of how stupid and naive I must have been back then.
At this point I wish time travel was real...


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