
I want to write a story, it is what my subconscious wants and desperately wants to fulfil, and quite obvious it's not a bad idea..."there's nothing bad in penning down a story or two", my brain says.
Instantly there is a union of goal between my subconscious and my brain, and as they work pari par sue they generate heart rendering stories and mental notes are being put down and everything seem to be going on fine until there's a revolution, all other entity tend to have a grudge for the common goal of writing a story.
The brain is now flooded by selfish request being made by circumstances that demand immediate attention and maximal brain power, needless to say the common goal is no longer common and the brain is fatigued and presently just lives for the minute and solves issues of the minute.
The revolution has taken a painful and stressful turn, the brain is quite tired of being tired and has therefore called  a general meeting of all entities in order to solve their differences amicably and work for a better,brighter and much happier being as a whole.
I hope this plan works, 'coz I need a break from this incessant headache.


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