The boy with the giant hands

Another rare condition in india has been recognized and this is the case of a 8 year old Mohammad Kaleem with giant deformed hands.

Doctors have been unable to diagnose the rare condition, but it is thought the 8-year-old may be suffering from either lymphangioma or hamartoma.

Kaleem’s hands are said to weigh 8kg each, and measure 13 inches from the end of his middle fingers to the bottom of his palms and there are concerns that if they continue to grow they could put significant pressure on his heart.

According to The Sun, Shamim said money had been so tight in the family that his wife has sometimes been forced to beg for money.
The paper quotes the 45-year-old as saying: "I blame myself. I have two children but I am so poor that I cannot even take care of their upbringing."

Despite revealing he finds it difficult to get dressed, Kaleem said he didn’t want doctors to operate on his hands.
“They would have to make me unconscious and then they will cut me open," he said. "I have no problem if they could do it without an injection."


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