Living Alone from my Perspective

Ever since I could remember I have always wanted a place of my own, I mean to live alone. I had ever made a solemn pact with myself that even if it was for just one month,I will get a place and live just by myself.
Fate smiled on me, when I got a chance to have a sneak peek into the world of living alone. The following are some my personal titbits on living alone:
1. First and foremost you get naked as much as you want to.
2. You can regulate the amount of visitors.
3. Everything is to your taste.
4. Peace, quiet and some tranquillity.
5. Nobody to misuse your stuff or eat your food.
6. Everything goes your easy.
7. No surprises.

And on the off side:
1. The whole responsibility of the room or house falls on your lonely shoulder.
2. No one to talk to.
3. If you are anything like me who can get scared by my own breathing, then you can get scared by your own breathing in the middle of the night.
4. Too quiet.
5. Boredom.
6. NoBody to help during emergencies.
7. No surprises.
...I think I need to review my self made and self imposed pact, but I don't know where the heart takes me...


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