

8:59 PM

Humans are the highest animals... Sometimes I wonder why .
Is it because of our I don't think so, if not Elephants would be superior to us... Maybe it is the way we turn the simplest of thing into a complicated bunch.
Yeah, that is because we can think...we have the ability to joggle more than one thing in our minds.
Human survival is dependent on how much thoughts are put into stuffs...your ability to handle situations and the choices we make is dependent on how much thought we put into them.
One thing I cherish most about me is my ever busy mind, thinking through stuffs, itemizing and setting priorities... Weighing options, making abstract notes and decision. I this game, able to discern and foretell circumstances.
I can proudly say that I love being human, cats may be cute and fuzzy but I love having a tasking brain.

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