I was in church on Sunday, during the service prayers were rendered for pregnant women, hearing that I relapsed into a state of mental trance; I began to imagine the whole process of being pregnant, all the raging hormones and drama involved. The bitchiness, the weakness, the sluggishness, the crankiness, the oversensitive irritation.
 The thought of a new life growing inside me, the new responsibility and most especially the burden I will have to carry for nine months.
As I joggle this thought, another slips into my mind, more subtle more discreet but far more frightening. The thought of delivering the package, of expelling the new life into life. Yes, THE LABOR! I have often heard that the worst pain a woman can ever experience is the labour pain.
As I continue on the thought of the moaning, groaning, screaming and scratching as a result of the labour pain, yet another thought jumps in and I ask myself, don’t you think you are forgetting something?, before the pregnancy and the labour. Then it dawns on me, the thought of marriage, living with a man for the rest of my life, having to tolerate another person’s attitudes when I can barely tolerate mine.
I tried to revive myself to the present; after a long struggle with “what will be”, I jolt myself to “what it is”, I resumed the service, then I said to myself, ”DAMN!!!, I’M GETTING OLD”.


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