it has been going on for generations since the begining of time. It has been written as books, has been sung in songs. It is none other than the age long battle between the sexes. Jordan Sparks sang that love is a battlefield, this song might sound abstract until you go through it. It is the fiercest of all battles, who is better?, who is more important?. Despite all of this we find each other a 'necesary evil'.the universe itself is trying to find a balance between 'men-power' and 'women-power'. The rules of the battle have been passed down from one generation to the next, mothers pass it down to their daughters, fathers pass it to their sons. Although there is a gray area between the sexes where compromises take place, the fact still stands, the heat of this battle does not die down instead it burns faster as time and generation pass by. Lets face it this is one battle that does not end and doesn't have a winner. So i will just say 'LET THE BATTLE CONTINUE, bring it on'...


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