The power struggle

There is a subtle rule in medical school, especially Nigerian med school, it is: "hierarchy is key and of utmost importance". Let me break it down for you...
Emeritus are out of this world...Professors are gods...Consultants are kings...senior residents are chiefs...junior residents are ordinary family officers are slaves...medical students are ping pongs, we are the subject of every form of hardship, and we don't get paid.
The funny thing about being at the bottom of the chain is that we get to watch ,front row action, the hilarious power struggle among our superiors.
House officers are not really of a big deal cause they have little or nothing to contribute, and maybe it's because just a year back they were med students just like we are now. I have seen only one Emeritus professor in my whole entire life, and he does not do much, so that is a settled issue. Most professors that I have been in contact with are actually really nice and ready to teach, that makes another settled issue.
Now the bones of contention are the Residents and Consultants.
There are two types of residents or consultants...the fairly nice and jovial ones and then the MALIGNANT ones. If I could write on malignant residents (*coughs*...NSU) and consultants, I would have not finished by the age of 90, but in one simple sentence...they are the ones that get you frustrated in med school. They make you wake up early in the morning with just two hours of sleep and make you wonder what kind of life this is...not to go too far, they are quite horrible.
But the whole scenario gets funny when a malignant resident that has gotten drunken with power, bossing and insulting medical students,that's us, begins to get jittery in the presence of a Consultant...likewise a consultant to a professor or The be quite frank we medical students find it amusing and as a first class entertainment.
Not to loose track, I actually wrote this piece to plead with all the Malignant Residents and Consultants...i think they call them Attending abroad...please be nice to medical students, or be subjected to silent mocks from medical students...oh we talk, but that's for another post...  


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