Beauty and the beast, bi...

3:30 am, she checked the time for the umpteenth time. She laid there on the bed letting her anxiousness get the most of her. The sunrise would mark the beginning of a new chapter of her life. She had been getting ready for this day for a long time but no matter the number of times she fumbles around she still would not get the feeling of her being totally prepared for her next big step in life.

"change shoes, just in case those stilettoes are not comfortable to walk around in", she said to herself as she once again bounce from her bed walking in the direction of her neatly arranged shoe rack. After few seconds of thought she reached for a pair and stuffed it into her already full handbag containing a lot of items whose sole purpose are "just in case".
She laid down on the bed this time trying very hard to make her busy brain get some sleep before her big day officially starts. Instead of the nice, peaceful and quiet sleep that she was hoping to get, she found herself deep into the thoughts of her past. She remembered her hometown, growing up with a single mother who had sacrificed her being to give her the life she wanted, she remembered every word of encouragement that her mother uttered which has been a pushing for her, she remembered family and friends who had made every single day a blessing, and she also remembered the day she was set to leave and make a life for herself in a strange place where the nights would be cold and lonely and the only thing of joy would be the familiar sooting voice at the other end of the line telling her that everything would be fine only if she keeps pushing. She rolled over to glance at the clock strategically placed beside the bed, all she could see were blurry images and the inside of her eyelids as they close up.
She reluctantly open her eyes, for a few seconds her brain was oblivious of the effect of the bright light shining into her room. She looked at the time...7:20... it was then reality hit her, "oh my God!!!" she screamed jumping out of bed and flinging anything and everything in her path across the room.
"Oh my God!", she exclaimed again "how can i be late on my first day"



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