
Showing posts from January, 2016

Dear me,

If i had the opportunity of speaking to a younger version of myself (let's say 10 years younger) the following are what i am going to say:                                                                                                               The Future you,                                                                                                               Planet Earth.                ...

Beauty and the beast, bi...

3:30 am, she checked the time for the umpteenth time. She laid there on the bed letting her anxiousness get the most of her. The sunrise would mark the beginning of a new chapter of her life. She had been getting ready for this day for a long time but no matter the number of times she fumbles around she still would not get the feeling of her being totally prepared for her next big step in life.


I know it's a little bit late but it's still the first three days so it counts...I think... it should. I wish you a prosperous and HAPPY NEW YEAR.