
Showing posts from July, 2015

Hold the conversation....please

There is nothing more disturbing and uncomfortable than when people I don't know try to have I conversation with me. It usually starts with me being some quiet new and then as usual, I sit quietly having 2nd and 3rd place conversations in my head. All of a sudden, someone from no where appears sits beside me, which on its own is quiet uncomfortable. This fellow not realizing the uncomfortable corner that he or she has shoved me into, then goes a step further and says "hi". With this, it seems all hell is then let loose, the gitters then begin to start, then gradually I feel the temperature rise until I feel the beads of sweat running down my forehead...and all I could do is give a plastic smile and nod with occasional voicing of "hmmmm". When the conversation comes to an end and the individual finally takes his or her leave, I breathe a sigh of relief but still I get disturbed that that fellow would have left with the impression that I am a proud, egotistic ...

Creativity gone south

That’s it! I am done, I don’t need all these in this complicated life of mine. I have decided and I would not change my mind, I will not be wavered by anything or anyone, I will have to deal with things on my own terms. The sole cause of this entire ruckus is the so-called motivation I decided to sort.  This is how it happened, the other day, I was little bored… (ok,I was a lot bored)… you know, being idle is usually not very appealing to me especially when I am actually idle and to make matters worse the creative portion of me had gone on a vacation…(more about that later), so I was practically at my wits end. Nothing to watch, nothing to do, I didn’t feel like reading anything, I felt like life was slowly suffocating me. The combination of boredom and lack of creativity pushed me to take a step which I would later regret. I decided to sort for motivation and the first place that came to mind was the internet, and because I wanted fresh and constant supply of motivation, I t...


I sat there in horror and utter shock as I listened to the dangerous words and ultimate destruction being made by the words of her mouth. I would not have been surprised if this was of a stranger or a common enemy, in fact I would have joined in, but the shocking part was that these heavy and highly destructive words were directed to someone we both call close friend.  She went on with the destruction process not noticing the look of amazement, horror and disgust plastered on my face. I try to put a stop to it but I went into brain block as to what to say. Immediately I start doing a reverse brain scan of all the words I have ever spoken to her, gauging each word as to how personal it is and how of a secret it should be. After my active brain scan and realizing I am somewhat save, I made a mental note as to never count this one as a real friend but as a plastic figure to fill in the space for playful tea parties. I continued to listen to the slandering words and imagined ...

Golden Silence

Who murdered golden silence? i agree that speech is an integral part of human existence but so is silence, while it is essential to establish communication with others, it is of utmost importance to realize the difference between communication and outright, nerve racking disturbance. What can i do to make this person stop talking, i glanced at my watch; Wow!, its been 2hours and yet this torture does not seem to end soon. i could feel the heat in my insides coming all the way up to my head and blowing up my lead like a volcano, still he sat there talking. i changed positions several times, still he had no clue he just kept talking, i tried to take excuses but i was assured that there was no way of escape from this torture. Different thoughts came into mind: what if i burn this building down (there was no petrol or match in sight), what if i fake an emergency (that wouldn't work), what if i stab him in the throat (hmmm, looks accessible, but with what...and i'll end up ...

Faking Strong

She sat up after a series of twist and turns she had made on the bed, bowing her head, she resist the urge to let out the loud scream that keeps building up in her in leaps and bound. At the spur of the moment she leaps to her feet and starts pacing in the small dark room, 2:43am she noted as she took a quick glance at her phone. she continues pacing with only these questions on her mind: "what do i do now?", "where should i start from?","how do i go about it?". While pondering, an unusual thought came to mind which she dismissed immediately, it was an unusual thought because she is not the type to let her weakness show by going to look for help.Not that she had nobody to go to, to be more accurate they were more than enough but she was more often ignored, but there was nobody there to see her through life, nobody was there when she was slipping down the tunnel of depression, nobody was there during her saddest and happiest moments. She had always fe...

A Fat Girl's Prayer

Dear Lord, please harken to the cries of your overweight daughter in this slim and trim world. Everyday i am plagued by no-good acquaintances who take it upon themselves to be my personal weighing scale and report every extra kg i put on at each meeting saying,"Hanhan!, seems you've added some weight"...(thanks for the update) O Lord, it gets frustrating when I go into a gathering and sight a cute guy and the first thing he says to me is "Do you exercise?"....(of course I don't), i can't begin to recount how flustered and embarrassed i get, and to make matters worse most of my friends are thin... ...what am I doing wrong Lord, i try to watch, to learn but the more i watch the more confused i get. I eat less portions and less frequently than my thin friends, we all eat the same junk food (Lord, you know I tried to stop eating junk but you and i know its practically impossible). Let's not even talk about exercise, we both know they don't...

Going out?

  There is something wrong with the universe, and by this statement I mean there is something wrong with me. Let me expatiate on this matter. You see, I am what you can call an hopeless indecisive fellow; though not on huge and critical issues such as life goals and sorts, in which case i can boldly say i am a little more hopeful; the label of hopelessness comes from rather trivia matters, most especially the matter of going out. Most times I think of myself as a couch potato, in other words the luxury life to me is me stretched out on a comfy furniture, snacks and drinks close by with a endless list of the finest motion pictures...yeah, that's the good life. What bothers me is that often times when am having my bit of the good life, something always come up that usually end in me saying to myself, "i should go out more often" and therein lies the problem. The headache starts from the first step, which is planning of the outing: where to go, who to go with, what d...