LNMS...Balancing the act

One major task as a medical student is the act of balancing school with other extracurricular activities. Sometimes they tend to collide with each other and it is therefore left to you and only you to decide and take action, either in a manner of a maneuver or in a manner of killing one for the other.
Many a time, i have committed slaughtered activities for the sake of my medical career or for the sake of my sanity, in which i slaughter just to take some steps back and chill, gain some energy for the next series of activities and schooling ahead.
Today, i went at first with the slaughtering but after i was done with my fellowship i found out that there was still a bit of life left in going back to the wards and thank God, that strand of life left was strong enough to hang onto and end up still successful, but the adverse effect of going with the maneuver method is, like now, going to bed deadbeat and with no iota of strength in me to do any other business.
Am extremely tired and drained, i will check in again tomorrow, good night.     


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