Type #1: The older woman If you haven’t tried dating up the age chain, you don’t know what you've been missing. Mature women have been places, seen things, and have a sophistication and wisdom that you, my young friend, can — and should — soak up like a sponge. “Older women know who they are and what they want,” explains Dr. Gilda. Spend time with one and you’ll gain a terrific perspective on life, and realize that being a desirable woman doesn't mean being a woman younger than you are. Says Patrick Hayden of Seattle, WA: “I definitely recommend dating an older woman. I dated one when I was 19 and she was 30, and what she taught me carries over to this day.” While a knowledge of business, travel and the human condition are usually par for the course, so is something else: a tutorial on how to please a woman looking for something other than someone with whom to have a child in the next few years. “The older woman I dated was like a mentor to me. She taught me...