My name is...

“Ok, there she is. I have to tell her now…it is now or never” I said to myself as I prepare for “the speech” and my face for the brightest fake smile I have ever come up with. She drew nearer and I flashed my bright smile and raised my hand in a wave. “Hi, Funmi” “Hello Grace”, she replied I drew in my breathe as I attempted to reveal a vital information of myself to this acquaintance (almost a friend) of mine that I have walked past and greeted every day for the past two years. “Well….” I started “How are you doing?” she asked “Am fine” I replied and decided to go back to my plans. “ermm….” “Okay, have a lovely day. See you bye” “Okay bye” I replied as I watched as she glides off and continue on her way while I stand there disappointed and depressed. I cannot continue like this, living someone else’s life (with the worst part being that I don’t even know whose life I am living). The truth had nudged constantly for the past two years, pestering me to come out of my shell of...