The most important property of a medical student is the logbook...believe it or not, that small and petite book is a very important aspect of being in medical school. Right from the orientation, it has been hammered into our heads that we need 75% attendance to qualify to sit for exams, and the tricky part is the resit exam, in the past, students who didn't make attendance can still sit for the resit exam which is always six weeks after the results are out, but recent developments claim that students who didn't make attendance and therefore did not sit for the main exam are not eligible to sit for resit exam, coz they never wrote the main exam in the first place, to cut this long story short, any student who does not make attendance, as an automatic one year repeat...and trust me that is dreadful. This has become a standing statuette, that even consultants know that they should not deprive us of signatures, coz immediately the session is coming to an end, med students are alr...